Organizational Affiliations:
Directly liaises with the Deputy Minister for Agriculture.
Overall Objective:
Control of locusts and migratory plant pests.
Tasks and Responsibilities:
1- Preparing comprehensive approaches and plans for detection and control, and providing technical advice to reduce the spread of locusts and to protect agricultural areas in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
2- Overseeing locust control operations in the Kingdom's regions and evaluate the work of the field teams.
3- Monitoring the movements of locust swarms in neighboring areas and during migration seasons.
4- Coordinating with all branches of the Ministry in the regions to ensure that there is no duplication in the formation of ground teams or aerial and ground control operations in one area.
5- Coordinating with local and international scientific bodies in the field of monitoring and exchange of information on locust movements and continue supplying them with modern materials and equipment necessary to combat it.
6- Implementing research programs on locust control, effects of chemical pesticides, and other methods of locust control such as biological control.