The Directorate of Land & Survey has passed through five phases, starting in 1968 to date:
Phase 1: Starting in 1968 till 9-12-1999 (about 32 years long), the Directorate was then named: the Land Investment 2013.
Phase 2: Continued for 14 years (from 10-12-1999 to 27-5-2013), during which the Assistant Directorate for Land Affairs was formed. Under that assistant undersecretariat were two departments: Department of Lands and Agricultural Title Deeds, and Department of Lands Categorization and Survey.
Phase 3: Started in 28-5-2013. During this phase, the Assistant Undersecretariat for Land Affairs was reformed to include three departments: Department of Land Investment, Department of Land Lawsuits, and Department of Survey.
Phase 4: Its name was changed to the Undersecretariat of Natural Resources on 9-9-2015.
It consisted of the Department of Land Investments, the Department of Land Lawsuits, the General Department of Irrigation Affairs and the Department of Natural Resources.
Phase 5: On 21-12-2016, it was renamed to the Undersecretariat of Lands and Survey. It consists of two general departments: first, General Department of Irrigation Affairs (and the affiliated Department of Irrigation Technology, Department of Irrigation with Renewable Water, and National Department of Irrigation in Riyadh). Second, General Department for Survey and Maps (with the following departments affiliated to it: Department of Survey , Department of Maps , Department of Lands , Department of Lands Lawsuits , and Department of Land Property).