The Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture (MEWA), in cooperation with the Saudi Center for Disease Control (SCDC) and the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA), organized a training course entitled "optimal use of antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance" targeting veterinarians from different regions of the Kingdom.
MEWA pointed out that the course aims to increase the efficiency of the use of antibiotics to address the phenomenon of antimicrobial resistance, improve the veterinary services provided to citizens, and encourage responsible use of antibiotics, as well as to protect humans and animals from threats of diseases, whether animal or Zoonotic diseases, which are in line with international guidelines to improve the use of antibiotics in all areas, especially in veterinary medicine.
MEWA highlighted the collective efforts of all relevant sectors to strictly adhere to the Saudi National Action Plan to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance launched in 2017. MEWA also highlighted the commitment of Saudi Arabia, embodied in its declarations at previous G20 sessions. These efforts are aimed at achieving the sustainable development goals declared by the United Nations, as well as protecting public health in the Kingdom.
It is noteworthy that Saudi Arabia is one of the leading countries that participated in the international response to antimicrobial resistance in all fields, and has earned high marks in the evaluation of the application of the International Health Regulations on the global threat of Antimicrobial Resistance.