The Authority, in conformity with its Law, aims at preserving wildlife on land and at sea and in its natural habitats; to restore the development and prosperity of the degraded species and habitats in the Kingdom through:
Promulgating protection legislation and proposing the establishment of protected areas.
Encouraging conducting scientific research in fields of biology, especially those related to plants and animals living in natural environments.
Raising awareness on environmental issues related to wildlife and finding suitable solutions for such isssues by holding meetings, seminars and local conferences to be discussed by specialists in these areas.
Conducting a comprehensive surveys and studying research findings on wildlife and natural habitats in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, whether those published in various local and international sources of information or not yet published.
Developing and implementing plans and projects that aim at preserving and developing wildlife in their natural habitats by establishing protected areas for wildlife in the Kingdom and issuing regulations and plans for those areas and applying these regulations.
Cooperating with concerned ministries and national bodies, both governmental and non-governmental, as well as with individuals and authorities.
Finance resources:
The Authority has an independent budget:
Budget allocations of the Government budget.
Income from Authority's activities that are falling withinits its respective jurisdiction.
Gifts, subsidies, grants accepted by the Authority in accordance rules set by the Board.
Other resources that the Board of Directors of the Authority shall decide to add to the Authority's funds.
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